Sunday, February 28, 2010


如果說心有分兩種 一種是實心 一種是空心想必大家都會覺得
但其實不是 我要說的 是另一種
在我第一眼看到這些字眼的時候 我也在想
到底是什麼跟什麼啊 有點亂

實心就等於一個女生 空心就等於一個男生
空心當的角色 就好像是一個保護罩 保護著實心實心不管有什麼事 都一定有空心的保護
空心的愛 才是一種真正的愛
就算不是男女朋友 只是普通的暗戀

我從來都沒想過 愛 其實也需要被保護
或許 現實中 太多都是表面上的愛
並不是真的 可以愛到為他受傷
在他發生什麼事 都會第一時間 什麼都不管的幫助他
被別人問過那麼多 擇偶條件 每一樣都有
就只缺可以保護我 這個條件 是我從來沒想過

他不說任何甜蜜的語言 並不代表他不愛你 是他在守護著你

Saturday, February 27, 2010


What have I done this monday?
School open after chinese new year holiday.
I were exhausted.Totally worn out!
This is my first time to go physical singly.
And this is my first time to talk with a stranger.
The woman taught me how to stretching.
Her methods are quite works.
I just remember many people looked at me, and I was just laughing and following her instructions.
Although it's got a bit freakish when I followed her, it makes me feel free and relaxed.
I want to say thank you for her again in here.

How about this tuesday?
I've already forgotten.
Nothing special on tuesday.
I went physical singly again.

This wednesday I stayed at school to do my homework after school.
I've stayed until the school bell rang.
No one disturb me, just stay alone.
The feeling was quite good.
The most make me feel joyful thing is...I stayed with him in the classroom for 1 minutes,JUST WE TWO.
I was delighted to see him.
But I was frightened by him when he stepped in my classroom.
At first, I thought that was teacher.
I think he was also frightened by me, cos he didn't know someone was inside the classroom.
An unforgettable memory, I won't forget it.
The fate of constellations on that day.
That's exactly happened!=)

Oh yea!I remember that's got something made me crazy!
Toilet I saw a...

To Be Continuous.
That's exactly what I expected.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

2月6日 第5次吧?!

2月6日 星期六 陰天

早上 自修室
做了幾天Physical 真的有點累 可是很開心
昨晚還不是因為我媽 害我12點半才回到家 1點才可以睡覺
雖然可以跟MIMI玩 可是真的睏死了 沒精神玩了
自己看雜誌 自己瞇著眼 有時跟MIMI打鬧 有時摸摸貓咪
到最後是趴在貓咪身旁 暖暖的 軟軟的 超舒服
離開的時候 還是瞇著眼走回家
我不是說笑的 是真的
不過 我也不知道為什麼拍照 又好像不是真的好瞇
這個濃縮版是昨天 出去PHISCAL之前拍的

Thursday, February 4, 2010


星期一 星期三 星期五 星期六 星期日
星期二 星期四 也有可能
不過 最好一星期要有兩三天要休息
所以 就這樣咯